Dear Stephen

You may recall that I asked you to give me healing for an abdominal condition. Whilst you where treating me I remember thinking about a troublesome knee condition, but I decided not to mention it as I wanted my abdomen to be your main focus.
In April 2000 I was admitted as an emergency to my local hospital with pancreatitis. Due to various complications I will not go into ,I spent many weeks in intensive care. My first hospitalization lasted 3 and a half months. I have since had further surgery and will be seeing my consultant in November with a view to further surgery.
What I did not say was that when I left hospital I was so weak that I had lost the use of my limbs. I had to learn to walk again and do everything that we take for granted.
Although I recovered magnificently (considering at one stage they said there was nothing the consultants could do for me and they didn't expect me to survive), I was left with various pains in my legs and a painful knee. Getting out of bed was painful and I would go downstairs one at a time until I got used to the pain. I also developed a certain way of walking and going up and down stairs to minimize the pain. I could not crouch and couldn't pick up anything from the floor without difficulty.
After receiving healing from you in Glastonbury at the town hall I noticed that I walked down the town hall stairs without pain. I could not believe it, and so I went up and down the stairs a few times to check it wasn't my imagination. Even sitting down for a period was painful, I kept bending my knee and could not detect any pain.
I have waited a while to write as a part of me wondered if the pain would come back. I now crouch. I even meditated cross legged a few days ago. Stephen my husband has noticed the difference and commented that I can now jump out of bed. I am so happy and thankful.
I only went to see you to see how you performed your psychic surgery and my friend came along to watch.

With grateful thanks,

F Noble,

East Sussex.